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Deputy Grandmaster
the State of Alabama

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Ill.  Fred Demming, 32˚

In November 2021 at the 75th Grand Lodge Session, we elected a new Deputy Grand Master, the Ill. Fred Demming, 32˚

Greetings Brethren,

It is a privilege to to serve in this office as your Deputy Grandmaster. We look forward to working with each and every one of you during the new year.

  • Reach out your hand Brethren. In doing so, you are defining relevance and defining Freemasonry. 

  • Reach out and let everyone feel those truly Masonic virtues of Friendship, Morality, Brotherly Love, Relief, Truth and Charity.

  • Reach out to your Brethren  in fellowship and prayer

  • Reach out to the Lord because he will always be there!

Fraternally yours,

Ill, Fred Demming. 32˚

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