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Deputy Grandmaster
the State of Alabama
Ill. Fred Demming, 32˚
In November 2021 at the 75th Grand Lodge Session, we elected a new Deputy Grand Master, the Ill. Fred Demming, 32˚
Greetings Brethren,
It is a privilege to to serve in this office as your Deputy Grandmaster. We look forward to working with each and every one of you during the new year.
Reach out your hand Brethren. In doing so, you are defining relevance and defining Freemasonry.
Reach out and let everyone feel those truly Masonic virtues of Friendship, Morality, Brotherly Love, Relief, Truth and Charity.
Reach out to your Brethren in fellowship and prayer
Reach out to the Lord because he will always be there!
Fraternally yours,
Ill, Fred Demming. 32˚
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